COVID-19 Testing & Security Services

Covid hit every business very badly. Employees in every industry need to stay healthy and must be able to fight against covid. Here, Group One Security provides its security services to deal with it.

Group One Security provides accurate results through our highly specialized testing machines. We take care of the entire process, from sample collection to reporting back to you. We also install covid cameras to detect the body temperature of every individual and to have an eye on every employee of our company.

Workplace Temperature Checks

By checking the temperature in the department areas and the weather conditions, it is possible to help your employees feel comfortable when working as covid can be spread in just a matter of seconds. This will be done through temperature-checking machines and will be checked on a regular basis by our professional security guards.

Some of the specific services we provide in COVID-19 Testing & Security Services:

  • Temperature Check On Entering and Exit Point
  • Covid Camera Installation
  • Crowd Control
  • FaceMask Check
  • Workplace Temperature Check

COVID-19 Cameras

We use a combination of infrared and thermal imaging cameras to detect people infected with the COVID-19 virus. As a part of our security measures to safeguard the health and safety of your employees, we will install cameras in your factory to detect possible risks. We will make sure these COVID-19 Cameras will help you check the temperature of your employees, and ensure that they are no longer at risk.

Benefits of Scanning Gates

Time is money, and money is time. Scanning gates will check the temperature in just a few seconds. It will save a lot of time for your employees and they can serve that time to scale up your business. The results driven by scanning gates are more accurate as compared with any other means of security.